I recently picked up a Dynaco AF-6 tuner to use on my second system - it is a nice match to the Dynaco PAS sitting up on top. This particular AF-6 was constructed by some kit builder back in the gloomy days of 1976. I was surprised how warm and natural this old girl sounds. Even with a small antenna it pulls in signals quite well and requires minimal tweaking of the knob to get the best signal. For reliability sake I replaced the back and signal lamps with blue LEDs available on Ebay - it really did a good job of modernizing the overall look. It now has a quiet blue glow that looks lovely when the lights are off.
AM performance is quite remarkable - better than any other tuner I've heard - a good thing to have if you still like listening to sporting events over the radio. I know I like hearing the Detroit Red Wings 'skating right-to-left across your radio dial.'