Introduction: I've been running with B&W Matrix 805 speakers for almost five years now. They are good speakers but after such a long time I was interested in trying something new. I first started concentrating on finding some KEFs, which is a speaker brand that I've always liked. I had my eye on a pair of LS50s, Reference 1s, or even some small Q towers. Instead I was drawn to a Wharefedale Denton review on the Steve Hoffman forums which had several fellow audio nuts being in love with this speaker. One of them even sold his KEF LS50s and stayed with the Denton speakers. Given the low clearance price of these speakers I decided they were worth a try.
The Wharfedale Denton is a small mini monitor sporting a 5" Kevlar woofer and a 1" textile dome tweeter, something you would find out of an 1980s speaker. These particular units, with an original cost of $1000USD, were created for Whardale's 80th anniversary and as a homage to the original vintage version. Sensitivity is only 86dB so low-powered amplifiers may have trouble driving them. The speakers can be bi-wired via the gold binding posts outback. Bonus - prices have dropped considerably with this speaker, now they can be purchased new for $400USD.
I bought my pair of Dentons used so they were already broken in. The original Wharfedale box arrived quickly and without any damage. Packing was excellent and the little cloth bags surrounding the speakers was a nice touch. Build quality appears to be very high. Rapping on the side of the cabinets gives a high "tink" instead of low, hollow "thunk" which reveals some heavy construction. The veneer / wood combo and silver grille looks quite presentable in my mid-century modern furnished house. Very high - at least in this domicile - wife acceptance factor.
After removing the Matrix 805s and associated line-level bass equalizer, I plunked the Wharfedale's on top of the speaker stands. I then moved the speakers a little further out into the room. Since I already had some Kimber 8PR/4PR cables in place I decided to bi-wire. Amplification is the soon-to-be replaced Adcom GFP-555 preamplifier and GFA-545 amplifier while the front end is the Dual CS5000 with the soon-to-replaced Shure M97xe phono cartridge. As you can tell, I'm in the middle of a system rebuild so stay tuned for further developments. But right now this is a decent budget system, something that someone who has $400USD to spend on speakers might have.
Listening: Initial thoughts - a little boxed in sounding. A little flat and very polite. But these speakers were literally winter cold having sat in a UPS truck and on my doorstep for a few hours before I set them up. After running some errands, and with a fully warmed up stereo, I finally sat down to do some serious listening.

The all important midrange was clean and lively with a touch of warmth. Vocals sounded natural as did the other instruments. Each sat in it's own space without sounding confused. This made it easier to pick out the different threads of the song. With the narrow front baffle, the Denton speakers also did a more than fair job at disappearing, only leaving a good left-to-right stereo spread.
The treble on this 12" cut was clean though perhaps a bit rolled-off. Very British polite, if I do say so myself. The brashness of the cymbals were muted, though to what degree would require further exploration. But the first impression was of a very listenable speaker that didn't sound forward or overly bright. That can be a difficult thing for many small speakers since the temptation for manufacturers is to make a speaker that has a lot of fake detail by having a tipped-up response.

On the Denton speakers the music jelled together very nicely, making a cohesive picture that allowed me, to repeat myself, hear the different threads of the song but experience them as a whole. Bass, once again. was very tuneful. The midrange was smooth as was the treble. I also noticed some extra detail retrieval that I hadn't heard before with the Matrix 805s speakers. With the Dentons there was some synth that was low in the mix, along with extra breathiness in the backup vocals. I've heard this album many, many times so this extra detail came as a bit of a surprise. Nor was it hyped up detail from a bright treble, but instead seemed a completely natural part of the song. Color me impressed.

The deepest bass here - and there is a lot of it - becomes rather one-note and plodding, missing out on the subtle shadings I hear on much larger speakers. The same was true with the dynamics which did not have the swell and force it should have had. This is hardly a surprise given the physics of a 5" woofer; after all there is only so much air that it can move. An added subwoofer would really help out here. It really was surprising how nice the bass sounded on the Police cut versus the Supertramp track, showing the physical limitations of the small woofer on some material.
The midrange and treble, however, were still very pleasing but the muddiness of the bass did distract from the overall presentation. Depth was foreshortened compared to the best I've heard, but the left-to-right stereo spread was marvelous.

The Stranger Things Volume 2 soundtrack is nothing but synth music made in a retro-70s style. The higher frequencies were well-controlled and didn't display any massive roll-offs. I would expect this to be a tad brighter than what I heard but not by much.
Next up was The Blue Nile - A Walk Across the Rooftops, which features swooping synths and austere guitar work. The top end was prominent but a small touch of top end loss was still apparent to these middle-aged ears. It is obvious that this treble roll-off was an intentional design decision, made to replicate the sound of more vintage speakers. So the Dentons are not the most accurate of speakers but a flaw that I can live with given the rest of the system budget.
Conclusion: In the sub-$1000USD range, the Dentons are the best that I've heard - period. Highly recommended.
Life is about compromise, and speakers are among the worst in this regard. The reality is that when dealing at this price range, it takes a lot of first-class engineering and careful listening to make a speaker work this well. These are transducers that carry the music in an engrossing, melodic fashion. Poised is the word that comes to mind, making lesser speakers in this cost bracket sound positively brash and unsophisticated. The toe-tapping enjoyment I get from the Wharfedales make their sins ones of omission, which though are many, mostly fade into the background.
Limitations? Many. These are not party speakers. If you want something that rocks and plays harder, I would suggest you research any number of larger brands and models; especially something with a bigger woofer. Another option is to add a subwoofer. If you need even more finesse or bandwidth, then you're looking at spending more money. The Denton speakers are well-balanced for their size, drivers complement, and price point but there are a lot of possibilities out there for better sound. We shall be exploring these as my system changes. But for now I will stick with the Denton speakers and see how they respond with tube amplification and a better phono cartridge. Stay tuned!
Adcom GFP-555 preamplifier
Adcom GFA-545 amplifier
Dual CS5000 turntable with Shure M97xe phono cartridges
Pioneer DVD-V7400 DVD player
Kimber 8PR/4PR bi-wire speaker cables
various budget interconnect cables
Update: The replacement of the Shure cartridge with an Ortofon Super OM 20 really broadened the bandwidth of the Wharfedale speakers. Treble no longer sounds rolled off and bass -within middling listening levels - has a lot more composure. It's a nice little match. See the Ortofon review for more details.